Entertainment APKs – Movies, Web Series, TV Shows, OTT Shows

Movie Rulz

Movierulz APK

v1.0.2 + MOD: For Android

rts app


v16.0 + MOD: Android


KatmovieHD APK

v6.1 + MOD: Android


Foxi APK

v1.0.9 + MOD: Android

i bomma

iBomma APK (no ads)

v3.1 + MOD: Android

ghd sport apk Download

GHD Sports APK

v20.1.0 + MOD: Android

Castle APK

Castle APK

v1.8.0 + MOD: Android

Probo App

v5.21.2 + MOD: Android

Stream india apk

Stream India

v1.1.3 + MOD: Android



v9.9 + MOD: Android

Cine Vision v5

Cine Vision APK

v5.0+ MOD: Android


Peliplus APK

v1.11 + MOD: Android



v4.4.2.4 + MOD: Android

spotify MOD APK

Spotify MOD APK

v8.8.92.700 + MOD: Android

netflix MOD

Netflix MOD APK

v8.94.0 + MOD: Android


Resso Mod Apk

v3.7.4 + MOD: Android

vidmate apk

Vidmate APK

v5.1704 + MOD: Android

Movie Rulz

Movierulz APK

v1.0.2 + MOD: For Android

rts app


v16.0 + MOD: Android


KatmovieHD APK

v6.1 + MOD: Android


Foxi APK

v1.0.9 + MOD: Android

i bomma

iBomma APK (no ads)

v3.1 + MOD: Android

ghd sport apk Download

GHD Sports APK

v20.1.0 + MOD: Android

Castle APK

Castle APK

v1.8.0 + MOD: Android

Probo App

v5.21.2 + MOD: Android

Stream india apk

Stream India

v1.1.3 + MOD: Android



v9.9 + MOD: Android

Cine Vision v5

Cine Vision APK

v5.0+ MOD: Android


Peliplus APK

v1.11 + MOD: Android



v4.4.2.4 + MOD: Android

spotify MOD APK

Spotify MOD APK

v8.8.92.700 + MOD: Android

netflix MOD

Netflix MOD APK

v8.94.0 + MOD: Android

vidmate apk

Vidmate APK

v5.1704 + MOD: Android


Resso Mod Apk

v3.7.4 + MOD: Android

Are you looking for Entertainment APKs to watch movies, shows, or serials online that are available in premium versions? As we all know, all the shows and movies are available online, which you can watch easily at home. Many OTT platforms allow you to watch movies online at home, and you can see the latest movies available on these OTT platforms. You can watch premium and latest movies over this platform, which are entirely free, and you can watch at home. Many platforms offer specific language movies. Like in iBomma, you can watch only Telugu movies over there. Some apps offer to watch only English movies, and some are mixed. They provide all languages movie shows.

What is Entertainment APKs –

Now, the question is where to download these OTT platforms because they are unavailable in the Google Play Store. You need to download APK files available on apkslink site for these platforms. There are so many applications that help you to watch a movie at home without any charges. You can download them from our source and run them on your Android phone, as they are unavailable for Windows and iOS devices. In this application, iBomma is the most significant and largest platform where you can watch Telugu movies.

On these platforms, you will get HD format, so if you have a large screen at home, you can connect your mobile to your TV to watch the movie on TV. So you don’t need to spend lots of money on theater. You can watch the latest or old web series in these APKs as they have many web series on their platform. So it’s much easier to watch web series or movies in HD quality with these APKs and OTT platforms. You don’t need to pay for OTT platforms like Amazon Prime, Hotstar, etc.

Other Categories to Download APKs:

You can see in our menu part that there are many other categories for the APKs. In most categories, you will have lots of APKs. Our platform is a big APK files platform, and all APKs are virus-free as we run malware protection on apkslink. There are many categories in our platform

  1. Games APKs
  2. Communication APKs
  3. Social Media APKs
Are these applications harmful?

No, they are hassle-free applications and malware-protected files, too. You can easily download it from apkslink; we always run malware protection in the backend. So they won’t harm your device and are easy to use on Android phones.

Can I remove it after installation?

Yes, you can remove them whenever you want or after watching the movies on them. So you can download them anytime and delete them anytime. You can try different OTT APK files like iBomma, Movierulz, etc.

Are they workable for iOS devices?

Currently, we don’t have applications for iOS devices, and they are not workable for iOS devices. They are APK files so that you can run them on Android devices. You can learn about the APKs file on our home page, where we have described what APK is.

Are they available on the Play Store?

Some may be available in the Play Store, but mostly not in the Play Store. These APKs are pro or hack versions in which you don’t need to pay anything and can use them for free. So, they are not available in the Play Store, and it is better to download them with the help of APKs.